Best dragon age 2 romance
Best dragon age 2 romance

I’m always glad when anything I’ve written manages to touch someone, so I’m tickled that a character who was such a personal project also turned out to be such a success. So it’s clear those who love him love him a lot. I think I received more personal mail from fans about Dorian than any other character I’ve written, including ones for whom Dorian was a vehicle for them to come out to friends and family, or for whom Dorian’s story allowed them to process trauma from gay conversion therapy they’d experienced. I don’t think numbers really matter to those who loved him, however.

best dragon age 2 romance

“He was also the least-romanced of the romanceable NPCs, percentage-wise. “According to the telemetry, Dorian wasn’t an active companion in very many peoples’ parties,” Gaider says. Gaider says the numbers mattered less to him than the character’s impact, and he said he received more personal mail from fans regarding Dorian than any other character he’d written. In an interview with TheGamer, David Gaider, the lead writer on Dragon Age Inquisition, revealed that Dorian’s romantic route was the least explored across the game’s player base, according to statistics BioWare saw. But as it turns out, all that praise for him and his storyline didn’t materialize a popular romance, or a frequent mainstay in player’s party.

best dragon age 2 romance best dragon age 2 romance

In the seven years since Dragon Age: Inquisition launched, Dorian has always seemed a popular character, and is largely considered one of the breakout gay characters in the AAA video game space. He’s my beau in BioWare’s fantasy world, and I hope he gets to play some kind of role in the next game, even if it looks like the Inquisitor won’t be returning in a protagonist role (to the detriment of the personal nature of their story, I’d argue). Dorian Pavus is my favorite character in the Dragon Age series.

Best dragon age 2 romance